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2018 ECSRHM annual meeting – Greece


To all ECSRHM diplomates & residents,

*** update *** The full program is available here: https://ecsrhm.org/program-update-2018-annual-ecsrhm-meeting/

Our next scientific meeting and AGM, will be held in the Porto Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece on Saturday 12th May 2018.  This has been organised in conjunction with the National Veterinary Congress of the Hellenic Veterinary Society. 

Thanks are due to George Fthenakis for arranging this, and to Elias Papadopoulos or Vasia Mavrogianni for organising the programme with the topical and important theme of ‘antimicrobial and anthelmintic resistance’.

Please get in touch directly with Elias or Vasia if you would like to present your work.  Field visits will be arranged on Sunday 13th May 2018 to compliment the theme.