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Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis – Symposium

Caprine Arthritis
Dear all,
Please find below the link to the symposium “Caprine arthritis – encephalitis – a challenge for breeders and veterinarians” which will take place on-line on June 22, 2023. ECSRHM is its co-organizer.
Please spread this information as widely as possible and post it on our website.

Thanks a lot!


Caprine arthritis–encephalitis – symposium – KOZI SERwis
Caprine arthritis – encephalitis – a challenge for breeders and veterinarians on-line symposium organized by the Veterinary Medicine Faculty in Warsaw in the cooperation with: Warsaw Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons, College of Small Ruminant Health Management, International Goat Association, Polish Society of Veterinary Sciences a link to the symposium will appear here in due time
SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM 22.06.2023 starting at 10.00 am Central European Time 10.00 am CET Opening of the symposium Dr. Michał Skibniewski, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Warsaw, Poland Prof. Jarosław Kaba, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Warsaw, Poland 10.10 am CET CAE – is it really an important disease? Prof. Jarosław Kaba, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Warsaw, Poland Questions & Answers 10.30 am CET Maedi Visna Virus/CAEV: diagnostic performances of the ID Screen® MVV/CAEV Indirect Screening test Dr. Adrien Limozin, IDvet, Grables, France Questions & Answers 10.50 am CET Diagnostics of CAE using milk samples Dr
prof. dr hab. Jarosław Kaba, DipECSRHM
Jaroslaw Kaba
Head of the Division of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Warsaw, Poland

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