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Prion diseases
Sheep disease prevention
Speaker at conferences
DVM, PhD, Dip.ECSRHM, graduated with merit in 1991 from the Veterinary School of Algiers (Algeria). He is currently Professor in the Department of Large Animal Medicine (Ruminants) in the Veterinary School of Alfort in France. He is responsible for teaching veterinary students ruminant medicine (cattle, sheep and goats) where he is also since 2013 the Director in charge of Continuing Education in the Veterinary School of Alfort (France).
His research and clinical interests are in diseases of small ruminants in which field he has published in peer-reviewed journals and has contributed in scientific meetings. He has become a de facto diplomate of the European College of Small Ruminant Health Management (2010). He is also the responsable of the ECSRHM website.
He is the author (with Dr Pierre Autef) of the book intitled “Medecine and Surgery in Sheep” (in french “Guide Pratique de Médecine et Chirurgie Ovines“) 1st edition (May 2013). He received for this book in December 2014 the Award of “Xavier Bernard Fundation” from the “Académie Vétérinaire de France” that recognizes the work related to small ruminants health and management.
Title Description Year Guide pratique de médecine et chirurgie ovines 2013 Guide pratique de l’autopsie des ovins.