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Small ruminant health. Neonatology and newborn management. Parasitic diseases and vitamins and minerals deficiencies


Juan José Ramos was graduated in Veterinary Medicine in 1984 at the Veterinary Faculty of Zaragoza, Spain. After his first degree, he performed compulsory military service at the Veterinary Unity in Granada, Spain, for one year. During the next 3 years, He worked at the Food and Animal Health Laboratory in Zaragoza, Spain, and his work consisted of checking vaccines against ovine brucellosis, obtaining Brucella ovis antigen and diagnosing of CSFv and neumoenteric diseases in calves.
Simultaneously, he participated in some research projects of the Animal Pathology Department at the Veterinary Faculty of Zaragoza and developed his doctoral thesis, which treated about small ruminant mineral deficiencies. He defended the doctoral thesis in 1991, getting the Philosophical Doctor degree with a Cum Laude qualification.
In 1988, he started working as a Lecturer at the Veterinary Faculty of Zaragoza, Spain, position that he still occupies nowadays. He had been completely implicated with small ruminant health management in all these years, and his work has been developed as much as researcher as clinician.His teaching work at university in Veterinary degree is completely related to small ruminants as well, because he is working in the Ruminant Section of the Animal Pathology Department and participates actively in the Ruminant Clinical Service of the Veterinary Faculty (SCRUM).
He is Diplomate of the European College of Small Ruminants Health Management (ECSRHM) since 2013 and he has published 57 publications in peer reviewed journals (within the impact factor system) and more than 80 publications in other national and international journals. Furthermore, he has participated as co-author in 10 books related to the speciality and he has more than 100 presentations in national and international scientific meetings.


Experimental infection with Salmonella enterica subsp. diarizonae serotype 61:k:1,5,(7) in sheep: Study of cell mediated immuneresponse. (2017) Lacasta, L. Figueras, J.P. Bueso, M. De las Heras, J.J. Ramos, L.M. Ferrer, J.M. González, M. Ruíz de Arcaute, A. Ortín, D. Marteles, T. Navarro, A. Fernández. Small Ruminant Research 149 (2017) 28–33.
Natural border disease virus infection in feedlot lambs. (2014) González JM, Lacasta D, Ferrer LM, Figueras L, Ramos JJ, De las Heras M. Vet Rec. 2014 Jan 18;174(3):69.
Chronic proliferative rhinitis associated with Salmonella enterica subspecies diarizonae serovar 61:k:1,5,(7) in sheep in Spain. (2012) D. Lacasta; L.M. Ferrer; J.J. Ramos; J.P. Bueso; M. Borobia; M. Ruíz de Arcaute; L. Figueras; J.M. González; M. De las Heras. J. Com. Path. 2012, Vol. 147, 404-409.
Management and environmental factors related to benzimidazole resistance in sheep nematodes in Northeast Spain. (2012) C. Calvete; R. Calavia; L.M. Ferrer; J.J. Ramos; D. Lacasta; J. Uriarte. Vet. Par. 184 (2012) 193-203.
Effect of addition of soybean trypsin inhibitor to colostrum on immunological status in goat kids. J. Ramos, A. Loste, L. M. Ferrer, A. Fernández, N. Castro, A. Ortín, M. T. Verde, T. Argüello, L. Figueras, Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 2010, 94:93-98.
Influence of climatic factors on the development of pneumonia in lambs. (2008). Delia Lacasta, Luis M. Ferrer, Juan J. Ramos, Jose M. González, M. De las Heras. Small Ruminant Res 80 (2008) 28-32.
Digestive pathway of infection in Streptococcus dysgalactiae polyarthritis in lambs. (2008). Delia Lacasta, Luis M. Ferrer, Juan J. Ramos, Araceli Loste, Juan P. Bueso. Small Ruminant Res 78 (2008) 202-205.
Effect of colostrum treated by heat on immunological parameters in newborn lambs. Loste, J. J. Ramos, A. Fernández, L. M. Ferrer, D. Lacasta, M. T. Verde, M. C. Marca, A. Ortín. Livestock Science, 2008, 117:176-183.
Influence of colostrum treated by heat on immunity function in goat kids. Fernández, J. J. Ramos, A. Loste, L. M. Ferrer, L. Figueras, M. T. Verde, M. C. Marca. Comparative Immunology Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 2006, 29:353-364.
Faecal thiaminase, plasma lactate and pyruvete concentrations and erythrocyte transketolase activity changes in apparently normal replacement ewes after the initiacion to the pasture. J. Ramos, M. C. Marca, L. M. Ferrer, A. Loste, L. M. Cebrián. Research in Veterinary Science, 2005, 80:11-16.


Manejo y calostro igual a supervivencia. Guía práctica para reducir la mortalidad en corderos y cabritos. J.J. Ramos, L.M. Ferrer, D. Lacasta. Ed. Dr. Herriot. Año 2018. ISBN: 978-84-09-04542-6.
Enfermedades por Clostridios en pequeños rumiantes. Ferrer, L.M.; Ramos, J.J.; Fariñas, F.; Lacasta, D. Servet Editorial. Grupo Asis Biomedica S.L. 2012 ISBN: 978-84-92569-91-5.
Gestión integral del macho en las explotaciones de ovino y caprino. Ferrer, L.M.; Ramos, J.J.; Lacasta, D. Edición ICE SALUD & VET. Año 2012. ISBN: 978-84-615-6270-I.
Las cojeras en el ganado ovino. Clínica y prevención. J.J. Ramos, L.M. Ferrer. Servet, Diseño y Comunicación, S.L. 2008. ISBN 978-84-92569-04-5
La exploración del ganado ovino y su entorno. J.J. Ramos, L.M. Ferrer. Servet, Diseño y Comunicación, S.L. 2007. ISBN: 978-84-935971-0-8
Exploración y patología ocular en pequeños rumiantes. M. Pérez, J.J. Ramos, L.M. Ferrer, F.J. Ascaso, J. Ibáñez, F. Iturbe, J.A. Cristobal. Servet, Diseño y Comunicación, S.L. 2006. ISBN 84-934736-5-0
Diarreas en corderos. L.M. Ferrer, J.M. González, M. De Las Heras., M. García de Jalón, J.J. Ramos. Merial Laboratorios. Servet Diseño y Comunicación SL. Año 2004. ISBN 84-689-6183-9