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Graduated from the Veterinary Faculty of Zaragoza, Spain in 1995
ECSRHM diplomate 2010
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Diplomate, Board member, Former president

Small ruminant health. Upper and lower respiratory diseases in adult sheep and lambs. Sheep managemen


Delia Lacasta graduated from the Veterinary School of Zaragoza, Spain, in 1995. From that moment on, she began working with small ruminants full-time, first on a 2,500-animal sheep farm, where she managed the farm for two years, and later in an Association for the Sanitary Defense of sheep and goats located in the south of the province of Huesca, Spain, which had more than 20,000 sheep. She worked there for more than 13 years.

At the same time, she developed a doctorate in respiratory disorders in lambs, culminating in 2006 with a Cum Laude qualification. In 2005, she began working as a part-time associate lecturer at the university.

Since 2010, she has been working as a full-time lecturer at the Veterinary School of Zaragoza, Spain, in charge of the Ruminant Clinical Service of this School (SCRUM), where more than 450 animals are received annually. She has 90 publications in journals indexed in the JCR and more than 80 in other national and international journals, in addition to more than 200 presentations at national and international scientific meetings.

She has been a Diplomate of the European College of Small Ruminant Health and
Management (ECSRHM) since 2011 and has been involved in its management bodies since 2013, currently holding the position of past president.

Her main lines of research are related to respiratory diseases of small ruminants, both upper and lower tracts. Furthermore, in recent years, she has carried out a deep research on ovine anaplasmosis.

• Experimental infection with Salmonella enterica subsp. diarizonae serotype 61:k:1,5,(7) in sheep: Study of cell mediated immuneresponse. (2017) D. Lacasta, L. Figueras, J.P. Bueso, M. De las Heras, J.J. Ramos, L.M. Ferrer, J.M. González, M. Ruíz de Arcaute, A. Ortín, D. Marteles, T. Navarro, A. Fernández. Small Ruminant Research 149 (2017) 28–33.• Jaagsiekte Sheep Retrovirus Can Reach Peyer’s Patches and Mesenteric Lymph Nodes of Lambs Nursed by Infected Mothers. (2016) M. Borobia, M. De las Heras, J. J. Ramos, L. M. Ferrer, D. Lacasta, A. De Martino, A. Fernández, A. Loste, D. Marteles, and A. Ortín. Vet Pathol. 2016 Nov;53(6):1172-1179.• Lamb feedlot production in Spain: Most relevant health issues. (2016) J.M. González, J.M.Bello, M.Rodríguez, T.Navarro, D.Lacasta, A.Fernández, M.De las Heras. Small Rum. Res. 142. 83-87.• Vaccination schedules in small ruminant farms. (2015) D. Lacasta, L.M. Ferrer, J.J. Ramos, J.M. González, A. Ortín, G.C. Fthenakis. Veterinary Microbiology 181 (2015) 34–46.• Natural border disease virus infection in feedlot lambs. (2014) González JM, Lacasta D, Ferrer LM, Figueras L, Ramos JJ, De las Heras M. Vet Rec. 2014 Jan 18;174(3):69. • Chronic proliferative rhinitis associated with Salmonella enterica subspecies diarizonae serovar 61:k:1,5,(7) in sheep in Spain. (2012) D. Lacasta; L.M. Ferrer; J.J. Ramos; J.P. Bueso; M. Borobia; M. Ruíz de Arcaute; L. Figueras; J.M. González; M. De las Heras. J. Com. Path. 2012, Vol. 147, 404-409.• Management and environmental factors related to benzimidazole resistance in sheep nematodes in Northeast Spain. (2012) C. Calvete; R. Calavia; L.M. Ferrer; J.J. Ramos; D. Lacasta; J. Uriarte. Vet. Par. 184 (2012) 193-203.• Persistent efficacy of a long acting injectable formulation of moxidectin against natural infestations of the sheep nasal bot (Oestrus ovis) in Spain. (2012). Douglas Rugga, Luis Miguel Ferrer, Patxi Sarasola, Luis Figueras, Delia Lacasta,Bo Liu, David Bartram. Vet. Par. 188 (2012) 330-336.• Influence of climatic factors on the development of pneumonia in lambs. (2008). Delia Lacasta, Luis M. Ferrer, Juan J. Ramos, Jose M. González, M. De las Heras. Small Ruminant Res 80 (2008) 28-32.• Digestive pathway of infection in Streptococcus dysgalactiae polyarthritis in lambs. (2008). Delia Lacasta, Luis M. Ferrer, Juan J. Ramos, Araceli Loste, Juan P. Bueso. Small Ruminant Res 78 (2008) 202-205.   BOOKS • Manejo y calostro igual a supervivencia. Guía práctica para reducir la mortalidad en corderos y cabritos. J.J. Ramos, L.M. Ferrer, D. Lacasta. Ed. Dr. Herriot. Año 2018. ISBN: 978-84-09-04542-6. • Monografía Síndrome Diarréico del Cordero. Lacasta D.; Ramos, J.J. Tierras nº 6 (año 2013). • Enfermedades por Clostridios en pequeños rumiantes. Ferrer, L.M.; Ramos, J.J.; Fariñas, F.; Lacasta, D. Servet Editorial. Grupo Asis Biomedica S.L. 2012 ISBN: 978-84-92569-91-5. • Gestión integral del macho en las explotaciones de ovino y caprino. Ferrer, L.M.; Ramos, J.J.; Lacasta, D. Edición ICE SALUD & VET. Año 2012.ISBN: 978-84-615-6270-I.