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Ultrasonography, Pathology of reproduction, Andrology, Management of the pregnancy, Mastitis, Brain lateralization.


Calogero Stelletta Member status: Diplomate of the ESCRHM Areas of interest:
Small ruminant health and reproduction.  Veterinary reproduction. Andrology and gynecology.  Assisted reproductive technologies.  Farm Animal Welfare. Global challenges in small ruminant production. Biography: Calogero Stelletta is an associate professor of clinics in reproduction and reproductive technologies at the University of Padova, School of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Italy. He covered a position for foreigner professor of animal reproduction and artificial insemination at the Ankara University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Turkey. He qualified with DVM degree from the University of Perugia and its Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in 1997 and was subsequently awarded a Ph.D. in 2003 by University of Perugia for the studies regarding the natural biological rhythms of clinical parameters showed by farm animals during different environmental conditions. He has a specialist interest in the subject of farm animal health and reproduction management. He has interests in the optimization of reproductive technologies application in small ruminants and his list of about 180 academic publications includes alternative approaches to animal health and reproduction monitoring system. Ultrasonography and thermography as physics and biochemical parameters are considered deeply integrated in the classical examination for both individual and flock/group approach. High interest has been reserved to the camelids health and reproduction due to the numeric increase in Europe and to the medicine peculiarities of those species. Conference talks: Invited speaker: Advantages and disadvantages of twin pregnancies: a journey among farm animal species. II. International Livestock Studies Congress. 29/30 October 2021, Antalya, Turkey. Twin Pregnancies: advantages, disadvantages and welfare considerations. A journey among farm animal species. Final Conference BUzNet Project. 8-9 October 2021, Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Reproductive pathologies in farm animals: the use of the ultrasonography as diagnostic tool. X National and I International Veterinary Pathology. 27-31 October 2020. Usable parameters for the optimization of in vivo and in vitro embryo production protocols - proposals for scheduled monitoring system 2019. 1st International Livestock Science Congress. 1-2/11/2019, Antalya, Turchia. Health and reproductive management in South American Camelids: comparison among models; South American Camelids andrology. National Annual Meeting of SIVASZOO 18th May 2018, Perugia, Italy. Innovative andrological evaluation to optimize the selection of animal fiber. 7th European Symposium on South American Camelids and 3rd European Meeting on animal fiber, 11th-14th June 2017, Assisi, ITALY. 
 Invited speaker: Thermography in bovine reproduction. VI Jornada Cientifico- tecnica reproduccion bovina, 10-11-2016 Huesca, Spain Invited speaker: New approaches in animal andrology; National Congress of reproduction and artificial insemination. 8th Turkish Congress of Animal Reproduction and artificial insemination, 01-10-2016, Antalya, Turkey Invited speaker: Comparative Biochemical Composition of Seminal Plasma and its Clinical Usefulness” Biannual Meeting of the Association for Applied Animal Andrology, 9th Biennial Conference, August 2014, New Castle, Australia. Chairman person Biannual Meeting of the Association for Applied Animal Andrology, 9th Biennial Conference, August 2014, New Castle, Australia. Chairman small ruminant session, 11th Congress of SIRA (Italian Society of Animal Reproduction), 2013 June 19-22, Ustica, Italy Chairman small ruminant session, XXVI Word Buiatric Congress, 2010 November 14-18, Santiago del Chile, Chile Committee membership: Scientific organizer of the Workshop ECM: Tecniche di riproduzione assistita per la gestione di riproduzione in animali di interesse zootecnico. (2013). Nissoria (EN) December 2013. ITALY

Up to 25 outputs from the past 5 years (10 selected outputs highlighted): Book Chapters: Calogero STELLETTA, Juri VENCATO, Enrico FIORE, Matteo GIANESELLA (2013). INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY IN REPRODUCTION. In: Fondazione iniziative zooprofilattiche e zootecniche. THERMOGRAPHY Current status and advances in livestock animals and in veterinary medicine. p. 113-125, BRESCIA: FONDAZIONE INIZIATIVE ZOOPROFILATTICHE E ZOOTECNICHE BRESCIA, ISBN: 9788897562061 
   Clinical and academic publications: Montelli S, Stelletta C, Ruiz JA, Ballarin C, Cozzi B, Peruffo A. Mapping of the early intrauterine morphogenesis in the alpaca (vicugna pacos): external features and development of the cephalic vesicle in comparison with the progressive Carnegie scale. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2019 Jul;302(7):1226-1237. doi: 10.1002/ar.23980. Epub 2018 Nov 13. Tekin K., Cil B., Alemdar H., Olgac K.T., Tirpan M.B., Daskin A., Stelletta C. Semen collection by trans-rectal digital stimulation and insemination campaign in goat. Andrologia 2019. Tirpan MB, Tekin K., Cil B, Alemdar H, Inanc ME, Olgac KT, Stelletta C, Daskin A. The effects of different PMSG doses on estrus behavior and pregnancy rate in Angora goats. Animal 2018 Jul DOI: 10.1017/S1751731118001908 Stelletta C, Tekin K, Tirpan MB, Alemdar H, Cil B, Oztutar Stelletta F, Olgac KT, Inanc ME, Daskin A. Vulvar thermal pattern following synchronization of estrus is linked to fertility after timed artificial insemination in goat. Theriogenology 2017 103:137-142 İnanç M.E., Teki̇n K., Olğaç K.T., Tirpan M.B., Alemdar H., Çi̇L B., Kaya U., Stelletta C., Daşkin A. (2017). Effects of region and invidualism traits on sperm freezeability of Angora Goats. Vet Hekim Der Derg 88(1): 31-39. Schrank, F. Bonsembiante, E. Fiore, L. Bellini, C. Zamboni, V. Zappulli, C. Stelletta, A. Mollo (2017). Diagnostic approach to fibrocystic mastopathy in a goat: thermografic, ultrasonographic, and histological findings. LARGE ANIMAL REVIEW 23: 33-37. Perazzi, I. Iacopetti, C. Stelletta, E. Fiore (2016). Bilateral glaucoma in a Tibetan goat: clinical and thermographic findings. LARGE ANIMALS REVIEW 22: 281-283. Poser H., Dalla Pria A., De Benedictis G.M., Stelletta C., Berlanda M., Guglielmini C. (2015). Ventricular septal defect and double-chambered right ventricle in an alpaca. J Vet Cardiol pii: S1760-2734(14)00081-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jvc.2014.10.005. 
 Argañaraz M, Apichela S, Zampini R, Vencato J, Stelletta C. (2015). Biochemical and Protein Profile of Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) Uterine Horn Fluid During Early Pregnancy. Reprod Domest Anim. Feb;50(1):121-8. doi: 10.1111/rda.12460. Epub 2014 Dec 3 
 Apichela SA, Argañaraz ME, Zampini R, Vencato J, Miceli DC, Stelletta C. (2015). Biochemical composition and protein profile of alpaca (Vicugna pacos) oviductal fluid. Anim Reprod Sci. Jan 3. pii: S0378-4320(14)00410-2. doi: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2014.12.013 
 Vencato J., Badon T., Bedin S., Cogo P., Simonato M., Stelletta C. (2014). Biochemical and fatty acids Composition of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) follicular fluid. Journal of Buffalo Science, vol. 3/3, pp. 82-88. Doi: http// 
 Vencato, S. Romagnoli, C. Stelletta (2014). Trans-scrotal ultrasonography and testicular fine-needle aspiration cytology in the evaluation of ram sperm production. SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH, vol. 120, p. 112-115, ISSN: 0921-4488, doi: 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2014.05.005 Vencato J, Cestaro L, Vazzana I, Carrer G, Carlo E, Dara S, Stelletta C. (2014). Integrated evaluation of scrotal temperature and testosteronemia after GnRH administration in young bulls with low semen production. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS, vol. 49, p. 481-486, ISSN: 1439- 0531, doi: 10.1111/rda.12315 Juyena, J. Vencato, G. Pasini, I. Vazzana, Stelletta (2013). Alpaca semen quality in relation to different diets. Reprod Fertil Dev. 2013;25(4):683- 90. doi: 10.1071/RD12050. 
   Other (grey literature) clinical publications: Cil B., Tekin K., Stelletta C., Daskin A. (2017). Reproductive Pixel Grey- Intensity Score with Image-J and Freezability in Angora. Reprod., v.14, n.3, p.971, Jul./Sept. 2017 Stelletta C., Tekin K., Vencato J., Gollin G., Bertoli G., Cestaro L., Tirpan M.B., Daskin A., Romagnoli S. (2017) Simplifying the oviductal cell adhesion test for bovine sperm quality assessment. Anim. Reprod., v.14, n.3, p.981, Jul/Sept. 2017 Tekin K., Beste C., Sahin D., Bastan I., Stelletta C., Daskin A. (2017) Effects of polyvinyl alcohol on fresh and post-thawed physiological motion characteristics of Angora goat semen. Reprod., v.14, n.3, p.982, Jul/Sept. 2017 
 Tekin K., Stelletta C., Cil B., Tirpan M.B., Olgac K.T., Alemdar H., Daskin A. (2017). Trans-rectal semen collection and artificial insemination in Angora goat. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS Volume 52, Issue S3, August 2017, Pag 64. 
 Tirpan M.B., Tekin K., Stelletta C., Daskin A. (2017) Intracervical insemination of Saanen goats in different breeding age with frozen-thawed semen. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Volume 52, Issue S3, August 2017, Pag 138. Tekin K., Stelletta C., Stelletta F. Oztutar, Daskin A. (2016). Comparative morphological analysis and optimization of CASA parameters in bull, ram, buck and dog. Animal Reproduction Science, vol. 169, p. 117-118, ISSN: 0378-4320, doi: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2016.03.056 Tekin K., Stelletta C., Sahin D., Bastan I., Parildar O.O., Daskin A. (2016). Ultrasound monitoring of reproductive organs in Angora bucks. Animal reproduction 07-09/2016; 13(3):720. Daşkın A., Koray K., Turri F., Vencato J., Stelletta Oztutar F., Stelletta C., Pizzi F. (2016). Testicular ultrasonographic monitoring and sperm freezability in Angora Bucks. In: IGA 2016, 12th International Conference on Goats. p. 84, Antalya, Turkey Stelletta C., Vencato J., Oztutar F., Milani C., Daskin A., Romagnoli S. (2015) Characterization of accessory glands ultrasonography in rams of endangered venetian sheep breeds. Animal reproduction 09/2015; 12(3):566 Daskin A., Stelletta C., Pascale L., Oztutar F., Alemdar H., Turri F., Tirpan B., Vencato J., Tekin K., Pizzi F. (2015) Integreated andrological evaluation in Angora goat. Animal reproduction 09/2015; 12(3):792