Season Greetings

Dear Diplomates & Residents,
As 2019 is coming to an end, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and feedback on the ECSRHM website.
In this post I would like provide you with some interesting statistics about our site and also give you a quick outlook on upcoming events for next year.
2020 ECSRHM AGM and Scientific meeting
Just a quick reminder to reserve the dates of May 14th and 15th 2020 in your calendar as we are planning for our next ECSRHM general meeting in Cremona, Italy.
ECSRHM site visits report
Below you’ll find a quick report showing the no. of visits per page on our website over the last 4 months. As you can see there have been in total 14.236 visits during this time. This is great news because it’s an indicator that the content is probably highly relevant to you.
Here is the top 5 of most visited pages.
1. Home page 2976 visits
2. Members 626 visits
3.Training centres 620 visits
4. Conferences 548 visits
5. How to become a diplomate 531 visits
An honorable mention should also be given to the ‘webinars’ page with a total of 90 visits.
Other site news
During 2019 we have also made a few other significant changes and improvements to our web site.
• The speed of the website has increased considerably since the move to a new server last summer.
• The user forum has also received a facelift for a better usability.
Finally, this year we reached a total of 76 residents and diplomates with a complete profile in our ECSRHM members directory. Great progress here thanks to you!
If you have any suggestions for improving the content of our website, please feel free to send your ideas to the following email address.
As always, if you need help updating your profile page, please feel free to contact our webmaster. You can also find detailed instructions here.
Wishing you a great start of 2020!
Karim Adjou
Responsible ECSRHM website