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European Veterinary Specialist in Small Ruminant Health Management
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Diplomate, Board member, President
University of Edinburgh,The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
N.D. Sargison

food security, livestock medicine and production, animal disease diagnostics and surveillance, point-of-care

United Kingdom

Valentina graduated in veterinary medicine from the University of Turin, Italy, in 2007 and worked in mixed and farm animal practices for 3 years, before undertaking a farm animal residency and obtaining the Diploma for the European College of Small Ruminant Health Management in 2014. She subsequently completed a mechanical engineering PhD program jointly between Moredun and Heriot-Watt University. She has worked as senior clinician in disease investigation and surveillance at the University of Glasgow. She is now a veterinary consultant for the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and an Adjunct Professor in small ruminant medicine at the University College Dublin, School of Veterinary Medicine.

Shalaby M., Busin V., Yan X., Cengiz S., Adiguzel M. C., Cooper J. M., Forde T., Reboud J. (2025). Sample-to-answer microfluidic device towards the point-of-need detection of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin genes in ruminant milk. Lab on a Chip 2025.

Antonopoulos A., Higgins O., Doyle S.R., Bartley D., Morrison A., Shalaby M., Reboud J., Devaney E., Smith T.J., Laing R., Busin V. (2024). Real-time single-base specific detection of the Haemonchus contortus S168T variant associated with levamisole resistance using loop-primer endonuclease cleavage loop-mediated isothermal amplification. Molecular and Cellular Probes, 73.

Shalaby M., Reboud J., Forde T., Zadoks R.N., Busin V. (2023). Distribution and prevalence of enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcal enterotoxins in raw ruminants’ milk: A systematic review. Food Microbiology, 04405.

Busin, V. (2023) K-15 Diagnostic sampling in small ruminant disease investigation, Animal 14 (1), 21-22.

Busin, V.; Geddes, E.; Robertson, G.; Mitchell, G.; Skuce, P.; Waine, K.; Millins, C.; Forbes, A (2023). A Study into the Identity, Patterns of Infection and Potential Pathological Effects of Rumen Fluke and the Frequency of Co-Infections with Liver Fluke in Cattle and Sheep. Ruminants 3, 27-38.  

Antonopoulos A., Doyle S.R., Bartley D.J., Morrison A.A., Kaplan R., Howell S., Neveu C., Busin V., Devaney E., Laing R. (2022). Allele specific PCR for a major marker of levamisole resistance in Haemonchus contortus. Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist. 10 (20), 17-26.  

Jones R. O., Geddes E., Mohr S., Bell I.R., Brulisauer A.g., Pritchard C., Nisbet A.J., Burgess S.T.G., Busin V. (2021). Spatial and temporal analysis of sheep scab notifications in Scotland, 2014–2019. Veterinary Record 190(8), e1488.  

Geddes, E., Mohr S., Mitchell E.S., Robertson S., Brzozowska A.M., Burgess S.T.G., Busin V. (2021). Exploiting Scanning Surveillance Data to Inform Future Strategies for the Control of Endemic Diseases: The Example of Sheep Scab. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8.  

Busin, V. (2020) Recognising and dealing with illthrift in ewes. In Practice, 42(9), pp. 498-509.  

Busin V., Viora L., King G., Tomlinson M., Le Kernec J., Jonsson N., Fioranelli F. (2019). Evaluation of lameness detection using radar sensing in ruminants. Veterinary Record, 185 (18): 572.

Busin V., Burgess S. and Shu W. (2018). A hybrid paper-based microfluidic platform toward veterinary P-ELISA. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 273: 536-542.

Borsanelli A. C., Gaetti-Jardim E., Schweitzer C. M., Viora L., Busin, V., Riggio, M. P. and Dutra I. S. (2017). Black-pigmented anaerobic bacteria associated with ovine periodontitis. Veterinary Microbiology 203: 271-274.

Busin V., Burgess S., Shu W. (2016). Opportunities and challenges for the application of microfluidic technologies in point-of-care veterinary diagnostics. Molecular and Cellular Probes 30(5), 331-341.  

Busin V., Kenyon F., Parkin T., McBean D., Laing N., Sargison N.D., Ellis K. (2014). Production impact of a targeted selective treatment system based on liveweight gain in a commercial flock. The Veterinary Journal 200 (2), 248-252.