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Clinic for Swine and Small Ruminants. University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany
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Diplomate, Former president

Pig Diseases
Diseases of Small Ruminants
Veterinary Laboratory Diagnostic


ADDRESSClinic for Swine and Small Ruminants,University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover,Bischofsholer Damm 15,30173 Hannover,
GENDER, DATE OF BIRTHMale, 24 November 1959
EDUCATIONDates (From-To) Establishment Degree awarded1979-84 University of Veterinary Medicine HannoverVeterinary approbation1985-86 University of Veterinary Medicine HannoverDr. Med. Vet.
OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONSRecognition as Specialist in Pig Diseases (1990)Recognition as Specialist in Diseases of Small Ruminants (1994)Recognition as Specialist in Veterinary Laboratory Diagnostic (1996)Award of “Venia legendi” in Diseases of Small Ruminants and in Laboratory Diagnostic by the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (1996)Founding Dip. ECSRHM (2008)
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES – CAREERDates (From-To) Employer Duties1985-93 University of Veterinary Medicine HannoverResearch worker1993-96 University of Veterinary Medicine HannoverScientific assistant1996-98 University of Veterinary Medicine HannoverHead of Field Station for Epidemiology in Bakum1998-present University of Veterinary Medicine HannoverProfessor for Diseases of Small Ruminants and for Laboratory Diagnostics1999-present Head of Small Ruminant Health Service Hannover2000-2012 Head of the School for Vet. Med. Technical Assistants18.11.2010-24.05.12 Chairman of the German Small Ruminant Veterinary Association30.10. 2011-24.10.2012 Vice-President of the ECSRHM08.02.2013 – present Member of the Committee for Ruminants of the FederalChamber of Veterinarians (BTK) of Germany25.10.2014-present President of the ECSRHM01.10.2015 – present Mitglied in der Ständige Impfstoffkommission Vet.Med.