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2025 ECSRHM Conference Cluj-Napoca, Romania June 4-5 – Deadline for abstracts and registration is March 30, 2025

Cluj Napoca Banner 2

Dear colleagues,

New information regarding the ECSRHM Conference from Cluj-Napoca!

Registration and abstract submission deadline has been extended until March 30th, but please be aware that this will be the final deadline, with no further extensions. All registration, abstract submissions, and payments must be completed by this date.

Please note that the AGM has been moved to June 4th (day 1) and will no longer take place on June 5th, as was mentioned initially. The updated schedule is as follows:

  • Conference: June 4-5 (Wednesday and Thursday)
  • AGM: June 4 (before lunch)
  • Post-Conference Tour: June 6 (Friday)
A draft of the program can be also found at: 

Important note: If you haven’t registered yet but want to participate in the Post-Conference Tour, please contact Adrian at or.julcvmasuobfsctd-688e73@stnanimurllams before making the payment to check availability, as the places are limited to 50 participants and will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.

Please note that the payment can only be made via Bank Transfer.

Best regards,

Adrian Potârniche and Jaroslaw Kaba
On behalf of the Organizing Committee”